• Online-only

    Suppress The Virus Now Coalition Statement

    Canadian governments are putting corporate profits ahead of the health and well-being of our communities. We are a network of community groups, labour groups, and individuals in Ontario, standing together to demand that our elected officials explicitly adopt the humane goal of eliminating community spread of COVID-19 – centring the needs of those most impacted by the pandemic, and by the ongoing violence of the Canadian state.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Crowns do it better

    The privatization, perils, and promise of Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations.

  • Online-only

    When a disease is racialized

    The coronavirus outbreak has sparked a rise in anti-Chinese racism. What are the historical roots of this response, and how might we confront it in Canada?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Three times P3s screwed over Saskatchewan

    As Saskatchewan shows, when you allow private companies to make bank on the backs of the public, it’s the people who pay.

  • Sask Dispatch

    On the Prairies, the drug crisis is not opioids, but meth

    Almost everything about stimulants like meth is different from opioids. And Saskatchewan is woefully unprepared to care for the rising number of people seeking treatment for meth addiction.

  • Three people duck under or jump over subway turnstiles. Their faces are blacked out.

    Free transit is just the beginning

    It’s no coincidence that struggles over public transit are erupting across the Americas. Free transit is about an end to austerity, a refusal of police power, and a demand for decommodified and universal public services.