• Online-only

    COVID-19 is raging through Quebec prisons

    Prisoners are locked in their cells 24 hours a day, with no running water and guards who refuse to wear PPE. Some are comparing federal prisons, where populations are older, to long-term care homes, the site of the province’s most severe outbreaks.

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    IWW members are transforming Montreal’s community sector

    Since a team of workers took over the STTIC’s executive board a year ago, they’ve been making the union more democratic and militant, following the model of the Industrial Workers of the World.

  • Magazine

    This is a prison, no matter what you call it

    Activists are determined to halt the construction of a new migrant detention centre in Laval.

  • Magazine

    Qu’est-ce que la décroissance?

    Pour les partisans de la décroissance, il est urgent que nos sociétés rompent avec la course à la croissance économique avant que les limites biophysiques de notre planète ne nous imposent une décroissance forcée et brutale. Aujourd’hui, le mouvement fleurit au Québec.

  • Magazine


    The degrowth movement calls for a radical downscaling of production and consumption, in order to save us from climate catastrophe. Today, the movement is blooming in Quebec.

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    Quebec interns want wages, and they want them now

    The student strike is alive and well in Quebec. This week, tens of thousands of Quebec students will walk out of their classes, demanding wages for all interns.

  • Magazine

    Quebec’s Movement for Economic and Environmental Justice

    Quebec’s social movements are working to wed anti-austerity politics with climate justice.