• Magazine

    Graphic novels for leftist readers

    Leftist reads are often dense and difficult to understand. Thankfully, there are many graphics novels that cover the same issues in a more accessible format.

  • Magazine

    A reading list on resisting dehumanization

    In this reading list, Black women, queer and trans people, people who use drugs, sex workers, and migrants share their stories of marginalization and their fight to be recognized as valuable community members.

  • Magazine

    A Marxist reader for disorienting times

    A reading list to help leftists face the conditions within which we organize without consolation or despair. 

  • Four pieces of media against a blue background: a book cover for Indigenous Media Arts in Canada, a movie poster for Writing With Fire, a movie poster for Tell The Truth And Run, and a book cover for the Community Radio Toolkit.

    A reading list on alternative and grassroots media

    Alternative media’s promise is that all people have a right to participate in making media, free of commercial and government control. These are a few of the guiding voices on how to build media for people, not profit.

  • The covers or posters of four pieces of media, against a dark blue background: the book

    A reading list on labour’s role in a just transition

    A transition to a sustainable economy is a monumental task that will require transformative change. Whether this transition is just, democratic, and reflective of the scale of the crises we face is still to be determined.

  • Magazine

    A reading list for building transformative movements in so-called Canada

    Designing and building cohesive, disciplined, and transformative mass movements isn’t easy. This reading list is an offering to anyone committed to that effort.

  • Magazine

    Indigenous persistence reading list

    These books and films represent an unflinching critique of colonialism from a perspective where the personal and the political cannot be separated.

  • Magazine

    Futurity and systems change reading list

    Future worlds and survival in a changing present gripped by the Anthropocene are on everyone’s minds, and now is the time to dream and lean into what’s coming.