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    brief and brazen - homo######philia in #########

    Best of Regina winner of the 2021 Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Magazine

    Saskatchewan survivors and the non-profit industrial complex

    After revelations of rampant sexual violence and abuse in Regina’s non-profits, where can survivors turn for justice?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Mapping the connections between anti-queer, anti-trans speakers at Regina’s conversion therapy ban council meeting

    On April 28, Regina city council reviewed a city administration report proposing a ban on conversion therapy – and inadvertently gave a platform to an international network of organized anti-queer, anti-trans activists.

  • Sask Dispatch

    How progressives won the Sask municipal elections

    Of the 20 city council candidates endorsed by the labour movement, 15 won their elections in 2020. We spoke to the organizers behind their campaigns to find out how they did it, and what’s next.

  • Sask Dispatch

    We can’t back down from Renewable Regina

    After interference from the premier and an uproar from residents, several Regina city councilors have signaled that they will back down from a proposed amendment barring fossil fuel companies from advertising in the city. Saba Dar explains why there will always be resistance to transition, and why we can’t let that stop us.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Defund the police

    In preparation for Regina’s 2020 municipal election, the Sask Dispatch asked progressive community members, activists, and experts to pick one pressing issue facing the city, and write about how to address it. Michelle Stewart and Richelle Dubois, two long-time community activists, share their thoughts on defunding the police and making the city safer for Indigenous people, poor people, queer people, newcomers and other racialized and marginalized folks. 

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Sustainable transit

    In 2018, Regina city council committed to a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050. Free transit, electric buses, and bike lanes will be a huge component of a renewable city – so why is council so hesitant to implement them?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Ending homelessness

    Without any city, provincial, or federal funding, Fougere’s plan to end homelessness has been an utter failure. What concrete steps can the city take to end homelessness?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Public transit

    People who live in Regina know it’s nearly impossible to get around town using only public transit. It’s a huge barrier to access for disabled people, youth, seniors, newcomers, and low-income earners. What should we consider when beefing up public transit?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Environment & Sustainability

    The city walked back its 2018 motion to use 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050; but environmental sustainability has never been a more pressing local issue. Here’s how local activists are envisioning a truly renewable Regina.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Wascana Park

    For the past few years, the construction of the new Conexus and Brandt/CNIB buildings have been fiercely opposed by Regina residents who want no business in the park. How much power does the city have over the future of Wascana Centre?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Why you should (and shouldn’t) be invested in Regina’s municipal election

    From police brutality to accessibility to climate change – change starts at the local level. That’s why the Sask Dispatch put together a package of articles weighing in on the municipal election. So what’s at stake on November 9?

  • Magazine

    Reserved for the Beast

    “If Canada wants to live up to its lie of a reputation / then there at least needs to be justice involvement. / The way of Indigenous life / has become learning to live with injustice.” Best of Regina winner of our ninth annual Writing in the Margins contest.

  • Sask Dispatch

    City’s body rub parlour decision risks worker safety

    City council voted to restrict body rub parlours to industrial areas, citing safety as a reason. But some workers say the decision will make their work more dangerous.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Renewable Regina forum platforms residents’ voices

    Regina residents gathered to offer recommendations on the city’s Renewable Regina motion – which some say has been “denuded” – in advance of May’s Reimagine Regina conference.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Rescuing Renewable Regina

    When the City of Regina invited a climate change denier to their sustainable cities conference, it wasn’t a mistake. It was part of a larger pattern of the City walking back its own goal to become 100 per cent renewable by 2050.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina’s 92-million-dollar problem

    A crisis of underfunded social programs leads to an increased crime rate, which is used to justify ballooning police budgets. Activists are making the case for defunding the police.

  • Online-only

    With new headquarters, Conexus is losing its way

    But it’s not too late to stop the commercial construction in Wascana Park

  • Online-only

    Queers to the front

    Queen City Pride has chosen a straight, cis man to lead this year’s pride parade. Here’s why it’s insulting to Regina’s queer and trans communities.

  • Morning at the Justice for Our Stolen Children Camp in Regina, Treaty 4 territory. Photo by David Gray-Donald.

    Camped out for Justice

    Colten Boushie. Tina Fontaine. Countless others. “Something’s gotta change. Something more than fake promises and words.”