• Magazine

    Desire path

    A photo essay on displacement, grief, and Land Back in the Philippines

  • A digital illustration of a ship (similar to the one on the New Brunswick Flag) sailing on an inky purple sea against a yellow sky. The sail on the ship is a newspaper copy of the NB Media Co-op.

    “Don’t hate the media, be the media”

    How New Brunswick’s Media Co-op is standing up to the Irvings’ corporate power

  • Magazine

    “Built on a foundation of white supremacy”

    Coverage of Indigenous land defence reveals journalism’s symbiotic relationship with settler colonialism. Can we chart a path forward for decolonial and anti-colonial journalism?

  • Magazine

    Great Manitoba

    The massive fraud at The Pas is a modest entry in the annals of Canadian racial capitalism. In light of the town’s history of Cree and Métis political action, it could be said that a quarter-billion dollars were stolen out of the mouths of children, from over the heads of families, from people seeking meaningful work in the prime of life.

  • Online-only

    The Canadian state seems like an immovable object. But Indigenous women are an unstoppable force.

    It’s been barely two weeks since the federal government released the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. And yet, amid an admission of genocide, the colonial project continues apace; its existence met with celebration for another year.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Authors’ responses to the interventions and comments that emerged through the symposium

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Nicole Fabricant: What does the hyper-militarization of resource-based capitalism in the Andes and mean for social movements in the region, for Indigenous peoples, and for alternative socio-ecologies?

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Kyla Sankey: How do the authors invoke David Harvey’s concept of accumulation by dispossession?

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Simon Granovsky-Larsen argues that the greatest contribution of Blood of Extraction lies in the use of documents released through access to information requests in Canada.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    Jerome Klassen on Blood of Extraction demonstrates how Canadian foreign policy in Latin America can be viewed in relation to global dynamics of economic, political, and military power.

  • Magazine

    The Ottawa Connection

    A six-part discussion on the contributions of the new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery Webber, Blood of Extraction.

  • Magazine

    Of Miners and Land Defenders

    When the Canadian mining corporation B2Gold set up shop in a small Nicaraguan town with the government’s blessing, a local group of land defenders began to organize.