• Magazine

    The case for abolitionist sex education

    If we’re serious about addressing sexual harm and providing consent-based sex education, we need to teach students about alternatives to the police and equip them with tools to deal with harm when it happens in their communities.

  • An illustration of a person with six arms. They have brown skin and black locs. With their many arms, they are frantically sipping an energy drink, typing on a laptop, holding a cell phone to their ear, waving a newspaper, and holding a

    Independent media’s bad labour problem

    From union-busting to systemic racism, when bad labour practices have embedded themselves in the very publications trying to write into existence a more just world, what is to be done?

  • Digital illustration of a hospital room with the focus on a pornographic scene playing on a wall-mounted television, from the perspective of a viewer next to the hospital bed. Also shown is the lower half of a person's body covered in blankets on the bed, a window with lowered curtain, a closed door, and a vital signs monitor.

    Fighting for the right to fuck

    For more than a century, eugenicists have tried to eliminate disabled people through sexual sterilization. Today, disabled people’s sex lives are still surveilled, suppressed, and punished in institutions.

  • Magazine

    Talking consent

    An interview with Chantelle Spicer and Tashia Kootenayoo on rooting our movements in consent.

  • Magazine

    Saskatchewan survivors and the non-profit industrial complex

    After revelations of rampant sexual violence and abuse in Regina’s non-profits, where can survivors turn for justice?

  • “We have buried too many”: A Q&A with Tristen Durocher

    Durocher, a 24-year-old Métis fiddler, has walked from Air Ronge to begin a hunger strike on the lawn of the Saskatchewan Legislature, demanding resources for suicide prevention.

  • Magazine

    What do we do when humanitarians are the disaster?

    AidToo is exposing abuses of power at aid organizations. Two stories from Canadian NGOs show what it takes to blow the whistle, and how the industry responds to accusations.

  • Magazine

    Breaking the cycle of harm

    To avoid police and prisons, more leftists are turning to accountability processes to repair harm. But fractious accountability processes are tearing communities apart. How might returning to transformative justice’s Black feminist roots help break the cycle?

  • Magazine

    Feminism against resource extraction

    By remaining silent during the invasion of Wet’suwet’en land, settler feminists in Canada have risked both complicity in this violence and irrelevance in a women’s movement that is global in scope.

  • Sask Dispatch

    “A culture of perpetration”: what’s behind sexual violence in Saskatchewan

    Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan released an in-depth report on sexual violence in the province. The report has been three years in the making, and it provides insights into the nature and the cause of sexual violence in Saskatchewan.

  • A person in a purple sports bra and long dark hair looks apprehensively over their shoulder at their phone, lit up on a table behind them. Their phone displays a number of unread messages on the SeekingArrangement site.

    “At least hookers get wages”

    If sex were factored out of the equation, sugaring would look a lot like the precarious gig economy jobs of Uber drivers or bike couriers. And – like in other web-based jobs – sugar babies in Montreal are struggling to develop collective strength with their fellow workers.

  • Online-only

    We will take this party back

    To those who oppose us, young NDP organizers calling for Erin Weir’s resignation, I say: How dare you discourage young people from demanding a better party?

  • Online-only

    Dear Erin Weir, what are you doing?

    Doubling down in the face of harassment allegations isn’t helping anyone.

  • Online-only

    Who will publish eulogies for the victims of Barrick Gold?

    On Peter Munk’s dark legacy

  • Magazine

    Sexual Violence at Canadian Universities: Activism, Institutional Responses, and Strategies for Change

    Published before the antiviolence movement’s watershed moment of #MeToo, this collection provides a powerful analysis of so-called “game-changing” moments.

  • Magazine

    If Black Women Were Free: Part 2

    Accounting for the history of transformative justice and determining how it can best be put into practice in non-Black spaces.

  • Magazine

    If Black Women Were Free: Part 1

    What is transformative justice, and how can it be used in organizing spaces to respond to sexual violence?

  • Magazine

    Dear sister

    Letters from Survivors of Sexual Violence from the forthcoming AK Press anthology