• Magazine

    What is Cash Back? A settler FAQ

    Settlers have a lot of questions about the call for Cash Back. Briarpatch sat down with Yellowhead Institute researcher Rob Houle to learn about the movement.

  • A digital illustration showing assistive devices – a wheelchair, a cane, and a blood glucose monitor – floating against a light blue background.

    Care without institutions

    Four case studies of projects that are meeting disabled people’s needs through community care.

  • An illustration of a brown skinned woman standing with crutches on either arm, looking at the viewer sadly. Black text at the bottom says,

    Migration has always been a disability justice issue

    An interview with Ameil Joseph about the history and present of Canada’s discriminatory treatment of disabled migrants

  • Circular photos of each of the five members of DJNO's Youth Action Council – all of them young, disabled, Black or brown people – against a brown background.

    What is disability justice?

    Members of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario’s Youth Action Council discuss the present and future of the disability justice movement.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Introducing the Sask Dispatch

    We’re trying out a low-cost, low-risk way to produce and publish more journalism about Saskatchewan.

  • Online-only

    Onward and Upward!

    A triumphant update – and a call to sustain!

  • Online-only

    An Update on Fundraising

    We’re almost there!

  • Online-only

    We’re in trouble.

    Briarpatch is in an urgent financial crunch.

  • Magazine

    Fierce Existence & Resistance

    An interview with Brown, Black & Fierce

  • Magazine

    What to Do About the Federal Election

    Radical perspectives on the federal election.

  • Online-only

    A Profile of Next Up: Taking leadership seriously on the left

    Conservatives are serious about developing young leaders. How about progressives?

  • Magazine

    Printmaking radicalism

    Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative is a continental network of artists committed to making print and design that reflects, builds, and sustains the aspirations of radical social movements. With two dozen artists from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Justseeds is a worker-owned co-op where the sensibilities of individual artists coalesce in shared objectives.

    Justseeds artists produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles, work collaboratively both in and out of the co-op, build large installations in galleries, and wheat-paste in the streets – all while offering each other daily support as allies and friends. Justseeds artists Erik Ruin and Meredith Stern spoke with Briarpatch about aesthetics and politics, empathy and influence.

  • Magazine

    Reflections on 40 years of scraping by and thriving

    Briarpatch has always been a labour of love, and I believe that’s the key reason for the magazine’s unlikely success.”

  • Magazine

    Briar Index

    Number of Facebook fans in Pakistan: 85

  • Magazine

    Briarpatch in photos

    From curling bonspiels to baseball tournaments and fundraising dinners, we present a series of photos from the Briarpatch archives.

  • Magazine

    40 years of Briarpatch

    There are two schools of thought. One is that government should be neutral and provide funds for magazines. The other is that if you’re reliant on government for funding, chances are that you’ll back off from criticism, which we never did, and we paid the price.

  • Magazine

    Reimagining revolution

    The Occupy movement has demonstrated a tenacious and effective commitment to non-violent, collaborative tactics. These photos, from various photographers, capture some of the ways in which the Occupy movements have helped us to reimagine how we organize and relate to one another within our collective struggle for justice.

  • Magazine

    Stepping up for future generations

    In summer 2011, several people from communities in northern Saskatchewan walked 820 kilometres from Pinehouse to Regina to raise awareness about the storage and transportation of nuclear waste in the province, and to oppose a proposed nuclear waste dump near Pinehouse. This is an excerpt from their radio interview with Don Kossick following the walk.

  • Magazine

    The next generation of land defenders

    Meet the youth at the heart of a movement to raise awareness about a proposed nuclear waste dump near their communities. These five young people participated in an 820-kilometre walk from Pinehouse to Regina, Saskatchewan to oppose the storage and transportation of nuclear waste in the province.

  • Magazine

    20 food initiatives to get excited about

    A recent study on the Canadian food movement found it to be uniquely decentralized and self-propagating in comparison to other social movements. Through phone and e-mail conversations with foodies across the country, Briarpatch learned about dozens of inter-connected but independent food-related initiatives that together are crafting a network of more sustainable, democratic and inclusive food systems that challenge our current corporate, industrial model. What follows is a small sampling of the most exciting initiatives we came across.