Michelle Stewart works on social justice issues including migrant justice and racialized policing. She lives on Treaty 4 territory and teaches about social justice. Her research focuses on how disabilities are taken up in the justice system in a settler state.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Defund the police

    In preparation for Regina’s 2020 municipal election, the Sask Dispatch asked progressive community members, activists, and experts to pick one pressing issue facing the city, and write about how to address it. Michelle Stewart and Richelle Dubois, two long-time community activists, share their thoughts on defunding the police and making the city safer for Indigenous people, poor people, queer people, newcomers and other racialized and marginalized folks. 

  • Magazine

    Colonial courts and settler justice

    Most days during Gerald Stanley’s trial, the courtroom could be cut in half: the white half – family and supporters of the accused – and the brown half – family and supporters of the victim.

  • Magazine

    Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody

    How does the settler state use the legal apparatus of inquests to justify colonialism?

  • Magazine

    Unsettling the Orchard

    We hear it all the time: racist police officers are “bad apples” – exceptions to the rule. What kind of change can the conversation provoke when we start talking about the orchard, rather than the apples?