• Digital illustration of a hospital room with the focus on a pornographic scene playing on a wall-mounted television, from the perspective of a viewer next to the hospital bed. Also shown is the lower half of a person's body covered in blankets on the bed, a window with lowered curtain, a closed door, and a vital signs monitor.

    Fighting for the right to fuck

    For more than a century, eugenicists have tried to eliminate disabled people through sexual sterilization. Today, disabled people’s sex lives are still surveilled, suppressed, and punished in institutions.

  • Online-only

    Ontario’s punitive welfare system

    In “Ineligible: Single Mothers Under Welfare Surveillance,” Krys Maki shows how technological advancements have created a new frontier in monitoring and criminalizing the poor.

  • Magazine

    Administrative sabotage

    The archives of Canada’s security state are being strangled by secrecy, censorship, and years of delays.

  • Magazine

    The strike-breakers’ playbook

    For over 30 years, Canadian employers have turned to a private security firm called AFIMAC to help surveil picket lines, provide scab labour, and break strikes.

  • Magazine

    This Prairie city is land, too

    I wonder what it would mean to walk freely on my own lands without fear of surveillance by white prairie settlers and criminalization by the institutions that serve their interests.

  • Online-only

    COVID-19 and the threat of “community policing”

    Across the country, governments are giving police heightened powers during the pandemic. But as I’ve seen in my home of Kitchener-Waterloo, when police embed themselves in poor and racialized communities, they may simply decide not to leave.

  • Magazine

    Strike surveillance

    During the York University strike of 2018, workers on the picket line found themselves being watched

  • Magazine


    When the Indigenous Peoples’ Solidarity Movement of Ottawa was infiltrated by a police officer, organizers were left feeling betrayed and paralyzed. How did they rebuild and strengthen their movement?

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    Dark Matters

    Simone Browne’s book offers an excellent alternative account of modern surveillance.

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    The New Threat Threshold

    What Project SITKA reveals about the basis of pernicious surveillance of Indigenous activists

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    School Dispatch

    Police officers are stationed in high schools across Toronto under the guise of ensuring school safety. With powers to search and arrest students, they criminalize student conduct and build mistrust and alienation among marginalized students.

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    Holding Out for Un-alienated Communication

    How should independent technologists and communicators respond to the corporatization of social media?

  • Magazine

    Feet to the Flame

    Introducing the January/February 2017 issue.