• Magazine

    Research for transforming the world

    An interview with Chris Dixon on doing research with social movements.

  • Magazine

    Double dare

    As another recession looms, the left must be ready when it hits – with anti-capitalist theory that can tell people why we’ve had 12 economic crises in the last century alone, why the rich just get richer each time, and why it’s working class people who always lose. 

  • Online-only

    Are any of Rosa Luxemburg’s ideas relevant for us today?

    One hundred years after the murder of the Polish-German revolutionary socialist, are any of her ideas still useful for leftists?

  • Magazine

    Getting It Together

    What are collectives, and how can they bring us closer to building sustainable, healthy social movements?

  • Online-only

    Do Activists Really Need Theory?

    Theory can help activists stay involved in social change work.