• A digital illustration of an older Black woman crossing the street. She wears a purple dress and is looking off into the distance. Close behind her, two bright yellow car headlights loom. In the background, city skyscrapers and smog crowd the sky.

    Walking with my mother

    In 2017, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The city she once navigated with ease became dangerous and confusing, and I learned that it was worsening her symptoms. As a daughter and an urban planner, I wondered: what would a city built for disabled people’s safety and ease look like?

  • Magazine

    A progressive response to transport costs must undo “the social ideology of the motorcar”

    Mobility is not just how we get from A to B; it is about social justice and health, housing and democracy, and the climate crisis.

  • Magazine

    Stopping the Big Sprawl

    In southern Ontario, Doug Ford plans to convert farmland and natural areas into suburban housing. But a coalition of farmers, environmentalists, and Indigenous activists are fighting back, and asking: “Do we need sprawl at all?”

  • Magazine

    Whose land is it, anyways?

    An interview with Ginnifer Menominee on treaty holders, ceremonial jurisdiction, and Land Back in Guelph.

  • Magazine

    Great Manitoba

    The massive fraud at The Pas is a modest entry in the annals of Canadian racial capitalism. In light of the town’s history of Cree and Métis political action, it could be said that a quarter-billion dollars were stolen out of the mouths of children, from over the heads of families, from people seeking meaningful work in the prime of life.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Rescuing Renewable Regina

    When the City of Regina invited a climate change denier to their sustainable cities conference, it wasn’t a mistake. It was part of a larger pattern of the City walking back its own goal to become 100 per cent renewable by 2050.

  • Magazine

    The city vs. Big Tech

    Activists kicked Amazon’s HQ2 out of New York City. They ran Google’s new campus out of Berlin. Now, in Toronto, #BlockSidewalk wants to send Google – and their new “smart city” – packing. The battle against Big Tech is emerging as the new front in the fight for the right to the city.

  • Magazine

    “Pacifying the unruly city”

    Official laws and social norms are wielded as tools of control to preserve urban parks as spaces for middle-class white settlers. Jessica DeWitt reviews On this Patch of Grass: City Parks on Occupied Land by Matt Hern, Selena Couture, Daisy Couture, and Sadie Couture.

  • Magazine

    The theft of the present

    Winnipeg has been shaped by settler city planners and capitalists who sidelined Indigenous plans for decolonized urban development. Emily Leedham reviews Stolen City: Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg by Owen Toews.

  • Magazine

    Imagining black vancouver

    How does one reclaim city space, even if just in the imagination?