
Maia Wikler is a freelance journalist, film director, and PhD candidate in political ecology. Her research focuses on wielding memory as a tool for justice in the face of corporate abuse and the climate crisis. Her work has been published in Vogue, High Country News, and Canada’s National Observer, among many others.

  • Magazine

    Ancient remnants

    The fight to protect old-growth forests – one of the last few places where it’s possible to witness land before capitalism.

  • Online-only

    Beaver Lake Cree stand strong as Canada and Alberta attempt to derail tarsands legal challenge

    In appealing a court order to pay two-thirds of the cost of the legal challenge, Canada and Alberta went as far as to argue that, because they were recently able to repair the community water truck, Beaver Lake Cree are able to afford a multi-million dollar trial.

  • Online-only

    Indigenous youth are rising up in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en

    They’ve been occupying the B.C. legislature for over 100 hours in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation – and the youth movement has been spreading rapidly across Turtle Island.