• Circular photos of each of the five members of DJNO's Youth Action Council – all of them young, disabled, Black or brown people – against a brown background.

    What is disability justice?

    Members of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario’s Youth Action Council discuss the present and future of the disability justice movement.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Open letter to Mayor Masters and the Regina Community Wellness Committee

    A meeting to discuss a conversion therapy ban in Regina devolved into anti-trans rhetoric on April 14, with delegates misgendering trans youth and associating gender-affirming treatments with self-harm. Cat Haines, a transgender woman, educator, and academic writes an open letter in response

  • Sask Dispatch

    Youth access to justice

    Are young defendants being provided with the legal information and advice they need to navigate the court system in Saskatchewan?

  • Magazine

    “This is not charity, this is solidarity”

    Resource Movement asks – earnestly – how can a group of rich kids help advance social justice movements?

  • Online-only

    Indigenous youth are rising up in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en

    They’ve been occupying the B.C. legislature for over 100 hours in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation – and the youth movement has been spreading rapidly across Turtle Island.

  • Magazine

    Organizing through loss in the heart of oil country

    The story of climate justice organizing in Alberta, at the heart of the tarsands, is the story of a group of young activists learning what it means to lose, and keep on fighting

  • Magazine

    Student climate strikes are structure tests

    In the preparation for a global general climate strike on September 20 – that’s centred around a tactic that came directly out of the labour movement – where are the unions?

  • Magazine

    Not just a pretty Instagram profile

    In April, nearly 200,000 high-school and middle-school students across Ontario participated in the largest student walkout in Canadian history in protest of Doug Ford’s cuts to education. Reporters and older activists alike are asking: how did high schoolers pull it off?

  • Online-only

    Interview with Colonialism No More - Regina Solidarity Camp

    Three weeks into setting up a solidarity camp at the INAC office, activists in Regina are standing strong for Indigenous youth.

  • Magazine

    A New School for Wet’suwet’en Youth

    The iCount High School on the Moricetown reserve in northern B.C. puts education back in the community, allowing youth to stay in the village instead of travelling to the school in Smithers.

  • Magazine

    Social spaces summit

    Through the intersections of social centres, strategies for change emerge.

  • Magazine

    Killers in high places

    If the drug war is a tool of social and territorial control and capital accumulation, it’s not enough to simply accuse Harper’s Conservatives of pursuing a misguided strategy.

  • Magazine

    Interns unite!

    If decent, full-time work is getting harder to come by, the same can’t be said for internships, whether unpaid or barely paid. From street protests to online campaigns, the emerging intern activism is one part of the wider effort by fresh actors to reformat labour politics for precarious times.

  • Magazine

    Unions need to get to school, and soon

    Unions need to know more to educate young workers the basic facts about unions: that they lead to higher wages, better working conditions, and more job security.

  • Magazine

    Pipeline to prison

    Canada’s education system, imposed upon Indigenous people for hundreds of years, plays a powerful role in constructing the notion of public enemies in need of discipline and containment.

  • Magazine

    Defunding the public interest

    Some PIRG supporters fear that adopting controversial positions will provoke attack. Especially after a defunding effort, PIRGs tend to endure a chilling effect during which volunteers and staff can be seduced by “neutrality” and engage in self-censorship.

  • Magazine

    Sing, Brother

    I reached Edmonton’s High Level Bridge as clusters of snowflakes clouded the sky. It was Friday night, already dark, and I was alone but for a young man in black who passed me from the opposite ledge.

  • Magazine

    Hearing Two-Spirits

    A combination of both the masculine and feminine, the Two-Spirited are a distinct gender with roles and responsibilities unique to their dual nature.

  • Magazine


    Rappers like InfoRed and Eekwol have great potential to reconnect youth to their culture through Aboriginal storytelling.

  • Magazine

    The next generation of land defenders

    Meet the youth at the heart of a movement to raise awareness about a proposed nuclear waste dump near their communities. These five young people participated in an 820-kilometre walk from Pinehouse to Regina, Saskatchewan to oppose the storage and transportation of nuclear waste in the province.