• Magazine

    The canoe as home

    Youth canoeing camps resist colonial policies and occupation by restoring Indigenous youth’s relationships with canoeing.

  • The covers or posters of four pieces of media, against a dark blue background: the book

    A reading list on labour’s role in a just transition

    A transition to a sustainable economy is a monumental task that will require transformative change. Whether this transition is just, democratic, and reflective of the scale of the crises we face is still to be determined.

  • A digital illustration of a tree planter in a coal mine surrounded by green hills. The sky is blue and cloudy. The tree planter is standing to the left of the image, wearing blue pants, a red and orange shirt, and a yellow hat. They have a beige bag with plants inside slung over their shoulder. They're looking at the coal mine and three of their colleagues at work planting trees in the distance.

    Planting trees in a coal mine

    Reclaiming mines is touted as an essential part of a just transition. But in Teck’s B.C. coal mines, two tree planters were left asking: were they part of reclamation, or greenwashing?

  • A copy of Briarpatch's Nov/Dec 2022 issue on a yellow background.

    Keeping justice in a just transition

    As the term “just transition” gains traction with policymakers and fossil fuel companies trying to paint themselves green, the articles in this issue remind us that a just transition means justice for workers, migrants, and Indigenous Peoples.

  • Magazine

    The C-IRG: the resource extraction industry’s best ally

    In British Columbia, a little-known arm of the RCMP is dedicated to enforcing injunctions for resource extraction companies. Interviews with land defenders, a C-IRG commander, and an anonymous source reveal details about their history, training, and practices.

  • Magazine

    Ancient remnants

    The fight to protect old-growth forests – one of the last few places where it’s possible to witness land before capitalism.

  • Online-only

    Real climate action means defunding the police

    A little-known arm of the RCMP has spent tens of millions of dollars brutalizing Indigenous land defenders and their allies while enforcing injunctions for resource extraction companies in B.C.

  • A plume of smoke billows out of the coal fired Keephills Power Station in Wabamun, Alberta at sunset.

    Will the real climate platform please stand up?

    We need a climate plan that defunds and dismantles the systems of pollution, inequality, and oppression that underpin our death march towards climate catastrophe, and instead redirects resources to solutions pathways.

  • Online-only

    “That’s how we protect one another”

    Mi’kmaq water protectors and Nova Scotian settlers worked together to stop the Alton Gas project. Their success shows the power of Indigenous-settler solidarity in the fight to defend land and water.

  • Magazine

    Between swing and split

    Five Tamil artists in Toronto respond to “A Feller and The Tree,” a short film about the 26-year-long armed conflict in Sri Lanka and its fallout.

  • Magazine

    Against the Duck Factory

    The largest freshwater delta in North America is under threat from a charity whose goal is seemingly to generate more ducks, no matter the cost to local Indigenous residents and wildlife.

  • Sask Dispatch

    We can’t back down from Renewable Regina

    After interference from the premier and an uproar from residents, several Regina city councilors have signaled that they will back down from a proposed amendment barring fossil fuel companies from advertising in the city. Saba Dar explains why there will always be resistance to transition, and why we can’t let that stop us.

  • Magazine

    What is Gender-Based Environmental Violence?

    When humans degrade the land, Indigenous women, girls, and trans and Two-Spirit people are the most severely affected. This isn’t an accident; it’s an integral part of settler-colonialism.

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Sustainable transit

    In 2018, Regina city council committed to a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050. Free transit, electric buses, and bike lanes will be a huge component of a renewable city – so why is council so hesitant to implement them?

  • Sask Dispatch

    Regina Municipal Election 2020: Environment & Sustainability

    The city walked back its 2018 motion to use 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050; but environmental sustainability has never been a more pressing local issue. Here’s how local activists are envisioning a truly renewable Regina.

  • Magazine

    100 years of land struggle

    A timeline of Land Back events from the past century

  • Magazine

    Decolonizing ecology

    From traditional fishing technologies to bringing back the bison, Indigenous ecological practices are our best bet to save the planet – and ourselves

  • Sask Dispatch

    Business in Wascana violates Master Plan and threatens the park’s future

    A Master Plan was put in place to ensure the integrity of Regina’s iconic park, but over the past few years, the plan has been undermined and business has begun to encroach on public space.

  • Online-only

    TD Scholars ask TD to cut ties with Coastal GasLink pipeline

    In this open letter, 33 recipients of TD’s Scholarship for Community Leadership ask that TD withdraw its support for the pipeline, which violates Wet’suwet’en sovereignty

  • Online-only

    Teck is dead. What’s next?

    Activists are calling the current moment of Indigenous land defense a “paradigm shift.” But does it signal a death knell for Canada’s oil and gas industry?