May/June 2020 cover

Great Manitoba

In our May/June issue, Owen Toews writes about a northern Manitoba town's history of racial capitalism, protest, corruption, and murder. Jane Shi explains the importance of grassroots translation work in the movement for Wet'suwet'en sovereignty. Jeff Abbott investigates the ancestral Indigenous authorities battling municipalities and transnational corporations for control of their land in Guatemala. Plus, articles about the Democratic Socialists of America Canada; Toronto's Tamil working class; and a book review of A Planet To Win.

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  • Magazine

    Will it help us fight?

    Briarpatch began 49 years ago as a four-page newsletter produced by and for low-income earners, welfare recipients, and the unemployed. Today, as so many of my friends lose their jobs or have their shifts halved during the COVID-19 pandemic, I can see clearly the thread that connects Briarpatch to its origins half a century ago.

  • Magazine

    The revolution will be translated

    In February, in the midst of solidarity protests against the RCMP’s invasion of Wet’suwet’en territory, I created a Google Doc: “How to explain what’s happening to the Wet’suwet’en people in Chinese.” The long history of grassroots translation work shows that it is one of our strongest tools to build solidarity against white supremacy.

  • Magazine

    Reviving Indigenous authorities in Guatemala

    In Guatemala, traditional Indigenous governments are battling municipalities and transnational corporations for control of their land

  • Magazine

    Great Manitoba

    The massive fraud at The Pas is a modest entry in the annals of Canadian racial capitalism. In light of the town’s history of Cree and Métis political action, it could be said that a quarter-billion dollars were stolen out of the mouths of children, from over the heads of families, from people seeking meaningful work in the prime of life.

  • Magazine

    Show me the socialists

    The Democratic Socialists of America Canada Twitter account was fake – but its popularity was not. What’s the power of socialist branding to shape a movement?

  • Magazine

    When memory outlives

    Today, Tamil people are Toronto’s working class as well as, increasingly, its elite – but behind the Canadian Tamil community’s historic struggles and resistance lies the fact that most of us arrived in Toronto fleeing a genocide

  • Magazine

    Between degrowth and acceleration

    “A Planet to Win” does not call for a utopian adoption of yet-to-be-invented technologies to fix things, but contends that we can build using the technology we have now to both address people’s real needs and decarbonize.

  • Magazine

    Why the left must defend free speech

    Free speech isn’t a cause the left can afford to leave to liberals or the right. And when “no platform” is called for, we shouldn’t appeal to authorities to do it.