• Magazine

    Indigenous policy is foreign policy

    Canada’s Indigenous relations aren’t domestic – Canada is an imperialist settler colony. If our movements stand a chance against the fascist far right, we need to reject the liberal reconciliation narrative and understand that Canada is an invasive force.

  • Magazine

    Thank you, readers

    Thank you Briarpatch readers for making this issue of the magazine possible. We’ll do what we can to keep earning that support, for as long as it takes us to bring into being the better world we’re all fighting for.

  • Magazine

    Black radical love in Waterloo

    For over 200 years, Black people have built community and taken care of one another in so-called Waterloo, Ontario.

  • Magazine

    What is Cash Back? A settler FAQ

    Settlers have a lot of questions about the call for Cash Back. Briarpatch sat down with Yellowhead Institute researcher Rob Houle to learn about the movement.

  • Magazine


    As governments decriminalize psychedelics, companies are clamouring to gain a foothold in the market. But is the medical industry best suited to bring psychedelics into the mainstream?

  • Magazine

    Graphic novels for leftist readers

    Leftist reads are often dense and difficult to understand. Thankfully, there are many graphics novels that cover the same issues in a more accessible format.

  • Magazine

    Who is a prisoner?

    From psychiatric facilities to youth detention centres, the prison keeps growing. To abolish prisons, organizers first need to map the system.

  • Magazine

    “We will be back”

    Four years after the historic Hong Kong protests, organizers reflect on how to grow the labour movement under China’s increasing political repression.

  • Magazine

    Pushing climate refugees into migrant worker programs

    As climate change displaces millions worldwide, the Canadian government is expanding temporary foreign worker programs and funnelling migrants back onto the front lines of the crisis.

  • Magazine

    Fighting fascism in feminism

    Five trans feminists on the rise of fascist feminism and how to fight back.

  • Magazine

    Pushing pipeline ownership onto First Nations

    How industry and governments hatched plans to pass the most contentious pieces of resource industry infrastructure onto First Nations

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    Who is the NDP for?

    Rule changes, hostile colleagues, and a lack of democracy – Anjali Appadurai, Kaitlyn Harvey, and Navjot Kaur share their experiences organizing and running with the NDP.

  • Magazine

    The struggle lies beyond the bargaining table

    Losing an election or settling for a subpar collective agreement can feel like devastating losses in leftists’ larger struggle for power. As we continue to organize for better working and living conditions, the articles in this issue remind us that the struggle isn’t won at the polls or at the bargaining table, but on the picket line, on doorsteps, and in conversations with our communities.

  • Magazine

    The canoe as home

    Youth canoeing camps resist colonial policies and occupation by restoring Indigenous youth’s relationships with canoeing.

  • Magazine

    “They don’t know how to fight for this”

    In year four of the COVID-19 pandemic, will unions fight for workers’ right not to get sick on the job?

  • Magazine

    Black radicalism has always included disability justice

    In her new book “Black Disability Politics,” Sami Schalk highlights the Black disability justice activism overlooked by mainstream disability rights movements and writing.

  • Magazine

    The case for abolitionist sex education

    If we’re serious about addressing sexual harm and providing consent-based sex education, we need to teach students about alternatives to the police and equip them with tools to deal with harm when it happens in their communities.

  • Magazine

    A reading list on resisting dehumanization

    In this reading list, Black women, queer and trans people, people who use drugs, sex workers, and migrants share their stories of marginalization and their fight to be recognized as valuable community members.

  • Online-only

    Quest of identity

    my name will be Truth 
    and i’ll introduce myself 
    with every story i tell

  • Online-only

    notes of joy from the margins

    What does it mean to pass or not to pass as a trans person? I am, I am, I am.